Ukrudtsbekæmpelse – dysevalg ved båndsprøjtning
Herbicide treatments are carried out with different nozzles, in order to find the optimal method for weed control in bands over the sugar beet rows. Weed control between the rows is carried out with two times row harrowing. The treatments are carried out with half the dose (1/2 N) of NBR’s standard strategy for weed control, except for treatment 5, which is carried out with full dose (1 N). Due to the generally good effect of weed treatments in the trials, there has generally not been a significant difference between the efficacy of the different nozzles for row spraying. The trials generally show that the efficacy of the treatments with nozzles for band spraying had comparable or slightly better efficacy in entries 3-7. In general, a lower efficacy has been achieved where nozzles with coarse droplets have been used compared to fine droplets in entries 8-9.