
Strategier til ukrudtsbekæmpelse i sukkerroer


In three trials, strategies for weed control are investigated. This year there has in general been a very good effect of all treatment strategies, which makes the differences between the strategies in this year’s trials relatively small. The 2022 season was characterized by a very difficult establishment. The early drilled fields were hit by heavy rain at the beginning of April, which resulted in a very compact seed bed and consequent poor germination of the sugar beets. Different strategies have been carried out with and without Clomazon (Centium) – the phytotoxic damage from the clomazon treatments has again been evident this year – and this has resulted in limited yield losses in the plots that have received clomazon twice after emergence.
Again this year, Betanal’s storability after mixing has been tested. No significant differences in effect or yield have been found after Betanal has been stored for 24 hours after mixing.
In this year’s trial, there was a single strategiy without Safari – there was no significant difference between strategies with and without Safari, which is probably due to the fact that the basic strategy alone has been very effective against the significant weed species in the trial area (there have been no challenges with e.g. fool’s parsley or other weeds which Safari is particularly effective against).
In entry 15, a biostimulant is tested to see if it can help the plants against phytotoxic damage from the herbicide treatments. In this year’s trial, a significantly lower level of damage was found in the strategy that received the biostimulant compared to the entry that received the same treatment strategy, with no bio stimulant. In one of the trials, there has also been a yield increase that is just statistically significant. However, only one year of testing has been carried out, with some variation, so it is too early to conclude anything definitive about the biostimulant’s effect.