
Bejdsning mod skadedyr / Insecticide seed treatments

Anne Lisbet Hansen


In the GUDP project IPMIROER, the effect of the insecticides Gaucho, Cruiser Force and Force is investigated in two trials in 2015 and 2017.

In two trials 2017, all of the insecticide seed treatments tested give a higher plant number at full emergence compared to untreated, and there is a tendency that for Gaucho 60 g gives the highest plant numbers. All insecticides have reduced attack of pygmy beetles with an average of 56 per cent infected plants in untreated. A yield increase of 4 per cent is indicated with Gaucho. In two trials 2015, attacks of pests have generally been weak. In one of the trials, there has been attack of soil pests, mainly millipeds, by 34 per cent in untreated and the seed treatments have reduced the attack. However, the attacks have not been severe enough to result in any yield increase.

In the trials 2015 and 2017, there has been no need for insecticide spraying, as the seed treatments have reduced the attack of soil borne pests. There have been only sporadic attacks of black aphids.

Earlier studies from 2006-2011 in 21 trials have shown that Gaucho 60 g in general result in a significant yield increase of 3 per cent compared to untreated. However, yield increase can be higher if attacks of pests are severe. In 2008, where there was a severe attack of black bean aphids (and special dry conditions at emergence), Gaucho showed a 19 per cent yield increase compared to untreated. In 2011, with severe attacks of thrips, a yield increase of 10 per cent with Gaucho was obtained compared to untreated.