
Jordbearbejdning til sukkerroer


Ploughing prior to sugar beets – in fields that normally were not ploughed – resulted in yields that on a five-year average were 2-3 percent higher.

The results presented in this report shows the effect of ploughing prior to beets in fields, that are normally not ploughed. It is, however, not possible based on this report to conclude whether ploughing or not is the best solution on a generally basis.
Tabel 1. Udbytter i sukkerroer 2017-2022 på to ejendomme (lokalitet A+B) med pløjefri dyrkning, hvor der blev pløjet forud for roer. Resultater fra det enkelte år er vist i tabel 2. I renhedsprocenten indgår topskiveandel på 3 %.