
Insektbejdsning med supplerende insekticidsprøjtning


In a sugar beet field trial with provoked attack of pygmy mangold beetles, seed treatments with Force 20 CS and Gaucho WS 70 both ensured a high plant population. Seed treatment with Gaucho WS 70 has resulted in a 9 percent increase in yield compared to Force CS 20, but not with significant difference. In another trial with relatively weak attacks of thrips, seed treatment with Gaucho WS 70 showed less damage of thrips compared to seed treatment with Force 20 SC. In both trials, 1 to 5 percent yield increase was measured followed supplementary applications with the pyrethroids Lamdex and Mavrik without any significant difference to unsprayed plots. Mavrik is currently not approved for use in sugar beets in DK.
In an average of four trials over four years 2019-2022, in the trials with provoked attacks by pygmy mangold beetles, seed treatments with Gaucho WS 70 and Force 20 SC ensured high plant populations. In the trials with attacks by thrips, there has been less attack by thrips in the Gaucho-treated plants compared to Force-treated. In the trial, supplementary applications with Lamdex did not increase the yield significantly compared to unsprayed plants.